dinsdag 20 oktober 2015

Wendy Golden- Levitt

wishes coming through........

years ago when i discoverd felting
i instantly felt it was my tool to heal
while working at my big cloths i became in a different  state of mind and time
all my feelings of depression suddenly were in another world
i could work for hours forgetting everything around me
so it healed me
the finished cloths were often bought by people who recognised themselves in it

not long after the death of my husband  ( who needed care which i could give him fortunattely being a former nurse and with help from friends).
in 2006  i got an accident and treatment after treatment, operations, revalidation. i found myself here, now not  being able to felt  any more. not being able to sit more than half an hour before the pain got too severe
But i discovered blogging and through my beloved Jude Hill from http://spiritcloth.typepad.com  i "met" Wendy. ( again via Jude you find the links to articles Wendy wrote in Handeye magazinze and others)
Wendy Golden Levitt iis a   Jungian oriented Therapist  who works with traumatised children and she uses cloth as a medium to heal the children

one of my last big pieces of felt wanted to travel to a brave brave girl.....
Wendy told me the girl feels the energy of my life and it helps her looking at her own pain and realized she is note alone in it

and you know what...brave..brave girl.....

you gave me back the strenght to felt again......little pieces that i can manage while i rest to unstress my back, my wish of healing through felt is coming back......
thank you Jude, thank you Wendy, thank you brave brave lovely beautiful giving girl!

Wendy....you know..... mormor

zondag 11 oktober 2015

kan ik me weer concentreren?

de laatste tijd was het bar en boos met de concentratie...alles wiilen doen
niks afmaken
het is herfst en we keren weer naar binnen 

alle afleidingen in de tas en aan een ding tegelijk werken.......
o ja
mijn blogmaatjes regelmatiger te bezoeken
die goede oude voor facebook tijd

donderdag 8 oktober 2015

bamboe oogsten.......???

Marlou is verliefd op mijn  zwarte bamboe en zegt......
ik durf het haast niet te vragen maar....

tuurlijk Marlou maar dat is wel lastig meenemen
zou je niet voor praktisch gaan?


of meidoorn bessen ( help goed als je een hoge bloeddruk hebt)

maar Marlou wat heb je nu met de bamboe gedaan?